Altrusa Club of Duluth donates $1,000
The Altrusa Club of Duluth recently presented Noteworthy Kids with a check for $1,000 to purchase supplies and continue to provide lessons for the Noteworthy Kids students. In addition, the club also donated $1,000 to St. Ann’s Assisted Living for activities and positive things – especially given that residents of St. Ann’s have been greatly affected by Covid-19.
Pictured, left to right, are Cindy Capin, Altrusa Club of Duluth president, Laurie BoeDee, Noteworthy Kids vice-president and Wendy Grethen, Altrusa Club of Duluth vice-president.
Noteworthy Kids vice-president, Laurie BoeDee, said that some of […]

Moms & Dads Today Profiles Note Worthy Kids
Moms and Dads Today Magazine reacently featured Note Worthy Kids in their May/June 2017 issue. Alison Stucke sat down with NWK president, Doug Maguire and the result was a very informative article – “Note Worthy Kids helps young people make beautiful music”. You can also pick up a free copy of the magazine at area Super One Foods stores and other locations throughout the Twin Ports.
Note Worthy Kids would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Moms & Dads Today Magazine for this story and helping to inform their readers […]